Are you under water? We are lucky to live on a hill, but parts of the town have serious flooding from all the rain this weekend. We came very close to putting Jack's life jacket on him just in case, LoL!!
Today was beautiful and sunny so, hopefully it helped to dry up some of it. I've been listening to a lot of different music this last week and haven't been able to hone in on what a theme for this week might be. So, I decided it would be more of a bag of musical Skittles.
Starting this week with RaeLynn as she just started her first headlining tour this past weekend called, "The Rave Tour". If you don't follow Rae on socials you should. She is always posting, sharing her day to day and loving on her fans. Today I am sharing, "Lonely Call" off of "Wild Horse" RaeLynn's first full album. "Lonely Call" is one that I wished I had YEARS ago to lean on. It speaks to being that person that is last on someone's list and the need to resist allowing that to be. It def struck a chord with me and thought it might with you as well. Give it a listen, a download and give Rae a follow! To find out details for her current tour you can head to her website. I tried to do a link and currently it seems there are some difficulties. So, just google her.
RaeLynn - "Lonely Call"
fr "Wild Horse"
Tyler Hilton - "Loaded Gun"
You may recognize this fella from One Tree Hill. He played the ever egotistical, but hilarious Kris Kellar. You may also recognize him from "Walk the Line" where he played a young Elvis Presley or the Gloriana's video for "Good Night" in which he co-stared with his now wife, Megan Park. In real life Hilton is a musician as well as actor. In the Series Finale for OTH his alter ego borrowed a tune from his real life in "Loaded Gun". I instantly loved everything about it. It is still one that I listen to multiple times a week. I think it is clever, I love the sound, it's like a train barreling down the tracks and there is no where to run. LOVE IT!! Give it a listen and look Tyler up on Socials for his other tunes, shows, etc. A year or two ago, Noise Trade had a live album free for download and it did not disappoint. I recommend signing up for Noise Trade e-mails because it is a great place to hear new tunes, bands, etc. for free!!
I recently was chatting w a college friend on socials about Aerosmith and my love for their tunes. I recently got into a kick where I saved my faves on Spotify and play them in a shuffle over and over. I feel like this kind of music isn't being made anymore and she shared that she makes her children listen to such artist when in the car, LoL!!! And I fully support that, how else will they learn??!! I'm not a mom, but I support this parenting decision 100%.
At its release some of the lyrics qualified for a parental warning label, but now a days they'd probably qualify as a form of lullaby. Mkay, maybe not a lullaby, but you catch my drift. When I hear the opening riff to "Crazy", "Cryin'", or "Livin' on the Edge", I automatically go back to being home after school, watching MTV and not doing my homework until the ten minutes before my mom got home. I remember wanting so badly to be as beautiful as Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone from the video. At the time Liv was kind of everywhere and it hadn't been long since the scandal surrounding Steven Tyler (Aerosmith Front Man) actually being her paternal father and not Todd Rundgren whom she had grown up believing was her father. Big to do at the time. She was a runway and print ad Model, host of MTV House of Style, which I really miss BTW. Common' MTV lets bring it back. It's time. She also stared in two of my most favorite movies ever, no not "Lord of the Rings". "Empire Records" which I quote on the daily, "What's up with today, today?!" and "That Thing You Do" where she is a earlier, nicer, not slutty version of Penny Lane. Add in they hype of Alicia Silverstone fresh off her "Clueless" box office hit and I mean, this video was set to OWN the TRL Countdown for WEEKS!!!! I can hear Carson Daily now....ahhhh youth!! Anyway, in this bag of musical Skittles I just HAD to Share my current, revival or an obsession.
Aerosmith - "Crazy"
fr "Get a Grip"
Sam Hunt - "Body Like a Back Road"
fr TBA
I know that I have already shared Sam Hunt's current single "Body Like a Back Road", but I love it so much that if I am making a musical bag of Skittles it NEEDS to be in it. I love that he wrote it for his now wife Hannah Lee. I think it is super cute how he brags on her through out the song. IDK I just love it!! Hate all ya want, but I'm a fan!!!
Lastly, in this weeks post, in ode to the rain is Garbage's, "Only Happy When it Rains". Again, one of my favorite flash back songs and a anthem I sing EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. IT. RAINS. Every time. Can't even help it. First of all lead singer's name is Shirley Manson, that is totally a name made for rock-n-roll. How could she not be in a band?! Second it was an era of red heads with Shirley, Tori Amos, Annie Lennox, it was just a full on ginger fest, which I support cause I feel like now we just have Ed Sheeran when it comes to gingers. Someone should probably check on that.
Garbage - "Only Happy When it Rains"
MTV Awards 1996
Hope you enjoyed this random offering of music for this weeks New Music Monday. We will be back next week with more tunes! Until then, Rock On fellow Music Addix!!!
First of All.....I'm Not Wearing or Posting My Glam for Approval. I Believe the Lord Has Given Me A Specific Voice to Share Different Aspect of My Life w/ and For Others Who May Be Similarly Struggling, Hurting, Feeling Like the Only One. I Feel That W Each Post of Something That I Love, Enjoy, Find Encouraging or Challenged By, I Am Showing Someone That It Is O.K. To Like What You Like Even if You're the Only One Who Likes It.
Beauty Queens, Second of All, You're Flaw-esome!! Sometimes I Feel If Not For My Flaws, I May Seise to Exist. Meaning That Often When Checking My Reflection All I See Are "Flaws". A Friend & I Recently Had a Discussion on Our Insecurities. When Did We Realize Them? What Makes Them Worse? How Do We Get Past Them? And One of The Things We Agreed On Was That How Much of What We See on TV, Movies, Magazines, etc. Doesn't Portray Visually, People We Relate To. At Least Not as Much as They Do People We Don't.
I Think Half the Reason Folks Look at Magazines, Constantly Flip Channels, Scroll Youtube, Troll Social Media, etc. is
1. Yes, We are Genuinely Curious About Others.
2. Yes, Its Entertaining. It Passes Moments of Boredom.
3. We Are All Looking for Someone Who Looks Like Us & in Finding That Image
We Get Validation to Look How We Look. If She is a Thick Chick its O.K. That I Am a Thick Chick. If She Has Sun Damage its OK That I Have Sun Damage & So On. I Began the #GlamBagSeries b/c I Didn't Grow Up w Siblings. I Didn't Have a Older Sister to Tell Me About Cosmetics, Hair Products, or That EVERYONE Battles Insecurities at Some Point. I've Read Multiple Times in the Last Few Months the Phrase, "be what you needed when you were younger". It Echoes w/i Me Every Time I Come Across It.
Today I am Pointing Out a Few of What I Consider to Be Flaws. Things I Do My Best to Ignore b/c What Would Lingering on Them Do Other Than Add Negativity to My Life?! Things That I Work Daily on Believing The Lord Could Use to Make Someone Else Feel OK. To Help Someone Else Feel Beautiful, "Flawed" & All. Keep in Mind at the Heart of it All is Christ. If We Don't FIRST Find Our Worth, Purpose, & Acceptance in Him, His Word, & Loving His People Then We Are NEVER Gonna Be Able to Find it Anywhere Else. Its Important We Keep That at the Forefront of Our Minds & Hearts. "To the One Meant to Love You, Your Flaws are Perfection", I Don't Recall Where I Saw That, but I Agree 100% w it.
Pictured Here is a Knot I Have Had on My Forehead Since I Was 5 or 6. I Was Goofing Off, Fell Off a Bed, Hit the Bed Post Before Hitting the Ground and Its Been There Ever Since. Drs Checked & Its All Good So, Nobody Panic, LoL! I Feel Like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory Saying He Isn't Crazy His Mother Had Him Tested, AHAHAHAH!!! Anyway, I Have Proof of Worshiping the Sun for Too Long, & These Hooded Eye Lids That Have Forever Made Me Look Like I Am Squinting in Pictures are Just a Few of What I Would Classify as Flaws. School Picture Day Was My Arch Nemesis.
Girl Defined
All That to Say, Who Cares? I Doubt Anyone Else Has Paid as Much Attention to My Hooded Eyelid as I Have. Cause, Who Pays Attention to That??!! Now, I Love My Eyes. These Hooded Lids Make it Difficult for Ppl to Know if I'm Looking at Them, LoL! The Knot of My Forehead is a Reminder of Being a Carefree, Risk Taking, Child. My Sun Scars are More Reminders of Beach Trips, Fishin on the Lake w My Papaw, Hanging at My Cousins Pool & So On.
I Believe That Through My Current Situation, Pain, Sickness, Doubt, Darkness, Flaws & All, God Must Have a Purpose. And the More Transparent I Am About the Hard Times the More Beautiful the Good Times Are. Whether You Love Make~Up or Never Wear It, Whether You are Healthy as a Horse or Constantly Fatigued. The List Goes On, but the Point is This, Until We First Find Our Identity, Security, Hope, Beauty, Confidence, Healing, etc. in Christ Alone We are Never Gonna Be Satisfied w Our Looks, Our Health, Our Life. It is a Rainy Sabbath Where I Am & I've Been Super Sick for Several Days So, for Today, Cause its a One Day at a Time Kinda Thing, I Will Rest in Knowing Make-Up or None, Over Weight or Right on the Money, Sick or Well, If I Search to Find Him in it All, I Will. Thank You Creator for Finding Me Lovely Even When I'm at My Worst Inside & Out. Loves, Find Your Confidence in Him & You'll Find No One Else's Opinions Will Matter.
My Hope w All This Babble is That the Images I Post Here Would Help Someone To
1. Care About How Jesus See's Us Before Caring About Anyone Else's Opinion. 2. You Maybe See A Bit of Yourself Either in My Pic or My Words & Are Encouraged & Comforted to Know You Aren't Alone. You Are Beautiful, Too. I'm a Thick Chick So, Its OK If You're a Thick Chick, Too. Make Sense?! Love Y'All!!!
Have a Beautiful Week Beauty Queens! You Are Loved!
Everyone Cleans Their Make Up Brushes Differently. Some Wash Them w Face Soap & Dry Them w a Hair Dryer. Some Use Store Bought, Specific for Cosmetics Brushes, Cleansing Sprays. Others Apply Everything w Their Hands/Fingers So it Just Requires a Hand Washing, LoL!!
I Don't Wait for My Brushes to Get All Icky. I Cleanse Mine After Every Use. I Keep Make~Up Remover Face Wipes in My Glam Bag & I Always Use One to Wipe My Face Prior to Applying Make Up. After Wiping My Face I Turn it Over to the Unused Side & Lay it On the Table Where I'm Applying My Make~Up. As I Apply My Varied Cosmetics I Wipe Off the Brushes as I Go, On the Face Wipe. I Then Dry it By Wiping it Across a Tissue or Dabbing it on a Application Sponge. Return Them to M'Bag & They are Good to Go For My Next Glam Sesh!!
Doing This Helps to '
1. Add Longevity to Your Beauty Tools. 2. Prevent Constant Spreading of Germs, Etc. if You Have a Break Out. Keep in Mind the First Step in Good Make~Up Application is Good Skin Care.
I Know You've All Been Patiently Awaiting This Post ! I Apologize for Making You Wait, LoL!! But, I've Felt Horrible the Last Few Days & Currently Feel as Though I've Been Hit by a Truck & Drug Through Town. So, I Really Thought I Might Miss All the @starbucks #UnicornDrink Fun. However, This Afternoon I Put on Some Make~Up to Maybe Make Me Feel a Little Better (yes, sometimes make~up helps me to feel a little better. Its a distraction thing.) Anyway, Put on M'Make-Up & Decided to Go for a Lil Drive Before the Storms Come. I Mean, I Had a Gift Card So, I Basically Had to End Up at @starbucks, Right?!
Everyone, but One of the People I Follow on Socials, that Posted About this Drink, Hated It. So, I Was Fully Prepared to Be Disappointed, but Still HAD to Try It For Myself. I LOVED IT!!!! As I Got to the Bottom it Got Kinda Sour, but for the Rest it Was Kinda Like a Mango Creamsicle Flavor. #JackDavis May Look Like the Saddest Little Unicorn of All in This Pic, but Don't Let Him Fool You. I Totally Caught Him Licking the Cup on the Ride Home. Bad Dog!! I Don't Blame Ya JD, Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Try Things for Yourself. All in All the #QueenOfTheUnicorns is Pleased.
SideNote: Thanks to @tartecosmetics for the Perfect Headband to Wear on a Special Unicorn Drink Day.
I Can't Be Shamed Over Something So Pretty & Delicious. Just a Fact. Anyone Who Has Eaten a Meal w Me Ever Can Can My Scales. Its a Once in a Whenever Drink. I'm Not Going to @starbucks Four Times a Day & Ordering a Venti w Four Extra Shots of Espresso Every Time, Which BTW Some Folks Actually Do w Other, Equally Sugary, Less Beautiful, Coffee Shop Drinks. I Mean, Hello, Basically Mocha Almost Anything!!! It Isn't a Daily Value Sized Soda w 20 Nuggets of Chicken & a McIceCream for Dessert. Its a Once in a While, Magical, Yummy, Mango Creamsicle Goodness, Unicorn Themed Bevi and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
I'm Queen of the Unicorns, What Exactly Did You Expect?! I Mean....
Starbucks, You Had a Pretty Secure Spot in My Unicorn Kingdom Already, but This Put Down Those Can't be Moved Kind of Roots.
This is Me Being Woo'd by Your New #HDGelLipsticks on This Grey Rainy Day. I am Wearing #Twilight in This Post & it Matches My #Revlon#ColorExplosionShadows Perfectly....and My Flower Crown. I Love When Things Match & You Didn't Plan It.
Any Who, Any Fellow #CosmeticsJunkys Wondering About #Revlons New HD Gel Lipstick Just Let Me Say its UhhhMaaayyyzzeeIiinnnnnGgggg!! Love the Smell, the Shine, the Size, the Colors, the Price, Just Love it!!!!
Last weeks post was a bit heavy considering I was just coming out of my "13 Reasons Why" binge-a-thon. I promised that this week would be lighter and I am a gal who does her best to keep her promises. I also want to use this post to take a minute to share with fellow fans.....calm down. Coming off of my spiral I was reminded that not all music is meant to be deep, meaningful, or a grey cloud that follows you from moment to moment. Some songs, some beats, some videos....are JUST FOR FUN!!!! SO, FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC, JUST CHILL THE (insert swear here) OUT!!!!!!!
D.J.'s play the same song every hour because their listener ratings peak during those songs, because their listeners call and request those tunes in outstanding numbers, because these are the songs leading sales charts, and because of drive time, etc. I'm sorry. It is unjust. Some artist are NEVER going to get the air time they so rightly deserve. Stapleton, didn't take home one ACM this year. Last year swept nearly every category he was in and I still didn't hear him every hour on the hour, but I sure do, against my will, know the lyrics to H.O.L.Y. And hello, I will always point back to this fact, Sturgill Simpson won record of the year at THE GRAMMYS.......THE GRAMMYS (imagine me talking with my hands and making wide gestures of excitement) and was he at the ACM or CMA awards? No. Have I EVER heard him on radio? No. Do his video's get shared on countdowns? No. Does he continue to sell out shows here and abroad? Yes. Do artists in other genre's realize and acknowledge his talent? Yes. Is he the only artist with a dog in this fight? No. Will he be the last? No.
Kip Moore - "Guitar Man"
All that to say, quit your cryping about how jacked the "system" is. I mean, some artist are not radio artist yet have a killer fan base, make good music, live a good life touring and selling that music while remaining true to themselves, their fans and their art. It happens. They exist. Stop blaming radio for doing exactly what they are suppose to be doing, sharing top tunes, exposing listeners to new tunes, and helping folks pass time. When do you listen to the radio? At Work? While Cleaning? I listen to the radio in my car, when it is piped in a store.......that is all. The rest of the time I listen to music on CD or Streaming. Now a days one of radio's main purposes is to help us pass time or win prizes. No longer a main source of news or entertainment it gives us something to lean on to get through a moment/a day. "November Rain" is 8:57, "Free Bird" can go over 14 min. depending, Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me", 7:37 give or take. These are all chart toping songs that when radio did decide to play them, had to be edited down. Kip Moore's, "Guitar Man" is about six min depending on if he sings it at the VIP or the main show and depending on if he tells a story prior to singing it. So, sometimes it may even be more like ten minutes, LoL!! My point? Even Kip said that "Guitar Man" would never be a single. Not all works of art are intended for the popular public consumption. Some of it is solely for the artist and their true fans. And ya know what? That is perfectly fine. I rather be the only friend in my group to know a Kip song and be the one that makes them listen to "Wild Ones" on repeat, than have everyone know it because he collaborated with someone just to sell records. If Kip is o.k. with not being a radio artist and has repeatedly shared with his fans from the stage and in interviews that he is in it because of them and for the music, why, OH WHY, would I get mad at radio?! If Kip ain't mad at ch'ah....I ain't mad at ch'ah.
O.k. back to topic, brain candy, myself and a few of my friends are having a legit case of the Monday' case you didn't pick up on that in the first few paragraphs. So, a post of fun tunes is just what we need to drown out the racket of the neighbors having tree's trimmed. Wait, or is that just me?! Anyway, I know it is Monday and the weekend is a solid four.....ish days away, but I wanted to start this post of mixed jelly beans with Kip Moore and "Freakin' Weekend". I heard a glimpse of this tune in a video of Kip and the guys sound checking and I needed to hear more....or is it Moore?! Kip is known to have a catalog of tunes so extensive that it very well may be impossible to even consider getting to hear them all in my life time. "Freakin' Weekend" is one of those vaulted tunes that hasn't been on a set list in so long that most may not even know it exists. All my research and I was only able to find two vids, neither of amazing quality, with more than a few seconds of the song. So, whomever posted this vid to Youtube, THANK YOU!! I owe ya one! Back to the catalog, personally, my vote, let's nix "Motorcycle" and replace with FW, but that's just me.
Kip Moore and The Slow Hearts - "Freakin' Weekend"
Kelleigh Bannen - "Landlocked"
fr "Cheap Sunglasses" EP
Along the lines of days that seem too far away, I share Kelleigh Bannen's Summer tune, "Landlocked". It is from her EP released last Summer titled, "Cheap Sun Glasses". The EP has five tunes on it and let me tell you that each and everyone of them is amazing!! It gets me all riled that folks like Kelleigh, RaeLynn, Aubrie Sellars, etc. aren't getting the air play or award show love that they should be. But I digress......... "Landlocked" is a fun summer tune for those of us living far from the water or with out friends who own boats. It's a fun telling of country summer resourcefulness!! Give it a watch, a listen, a download and then head over to Bannens socials and give her a follow.
If the current video for Kelsea Ballerini's, "Yeah Boy" doesn't scream brain candy, I'm unsure what will. Bright colors, fun little dances, a high pony and the signature Kelsea romper this last tune released from "For the First Time", is a visual break. I don't have to think hard. I don't have to be reminded of heart ache. I don't have to think about payin' m'bills all I gots to think is where's sister get all them rompers and do they make em' for thick chicks??!!!! Ballerini has shared that this will be the last single off of her record breaking freshman release, "For the First Time". She has promised new tunes in 2017, but is also planning her wedding to fellow country singer Morgan Evans from Australia so, I guess we will see which happens first. Watch the vid below and veg out for 3 minutes and 19 seconds.
Kelsea Ballerini - "Yeah Boy"
fr "For the First Time"
Guns N Roses - "Paradise City"
Don't you even try to tell me that you don't hear those first few notes and automatically start doing the Axle sway. I won't believe you. It isn't possible. Physically, mentally, it just isn't possible. Taking it back to the days when I rode the bus to and from school, wasn't allowed to go to rock concerts and my mom thought Roxette was heavy metal because they used a electric guitar. I can not think musical brain candy and not think of "Paradise City". I can't. Just can't. Sorry, not sorry.
O.K. kiddies, momma has to go veg out now. I hope you have a beautiful week and enjoy some awesome brain candy on your drives to work, running errands, etc.
Glam Bag Summer Fun! One of My Favorite Things About Spring/Summer Would Be Bright Colors. I'm a Brights Kinda Gal! I Think This @covergirl #EasyBlend#EyeLiner in a Aqua (currently unavail, but hopefully will come back this Summer) Will Be a Go To for My Summer Make ~ Up Look. I Think it Works Well (and maybe surprisingly) with this @clinique #LongLastMatte#LipStick in a #Plumb Color (can't recall its exact name at the moment).
Spring & Summer are a Fun Time to Experiment w Colors You Might Not Be Willing to During the Rest of the Year. While You Can't See it All That Well in This Pic, My Top Lash Line Has @tartecosmetics #ManEater#LiquidLiner in #Black So, the Aqua is Only on My Lower Lash. I Enjoy Mixing Little Pops of Color Like That In. If You Are Curious About How You Might Feel w a Pop of Color You Can Always Test w Bright Eye Shadows on Your Lash Lines if You Don't Already Own Bright Liners. Also, @wetnwildbeauty, @hardcandylife @elfcosmetics @jordana_cosmetics Have a Variety of Inexpensive Non- "Traditional" Colors to Experiment W Inexpensively.
If There is a Product You are Curious About and Would Like for Me to Try and Report Back On Then Please Feel Free to Let Me Know in the Comments Section of This Post or Over on My Socials!! I'm a Mess So You Don't Have to Be.
Happy Monday Beauty Queens!! I'm Starting This Week Off with Some of the Glam Bag Must Haves That I Posted to Insta Last Week. No Matter Your Day-to-Day Cosmetics Routine I Believe That EVERY Glam Bag Should Have Four Specific Things for Special Occasions or Days When You Just Need to Vamp it Up a Lil'.
1. A Duo or Trio of a Color for a Smokey Eye. I Don't Think All Smokey Looks MUST Be Black or Brown. One of My Faves is a Purple. However in this Pic I Sport the Basic Black. The Pallet I Used No Longer Has its Branding on the Container, but I Believe it Came fr @kohls. I Started w a Shimmer White All Over the Eye, Followed by a Grey/Silver Close to the Lash Line and a Bit Above. Finish w Black at the End Corner of the Lid. Down a Bit fr The Far End of The Brow Line & V Blending in & Under the Bottom Lash Line. I May Do a Insta Story at Another Time to Better Explain. I'll be Sharing More on the Liners in the Next #GlamBagReview Series, but Just for Facts Sake the Black is @tartecosmetics #ManEater#LiquidLiner in Black & the Silver is @hardcandylife #LiquidLiner. Both are Amazing at Staying in Place & Not Running or Smudging Easily. Mascara is @lorealmakeup #OriginalVoluminous in Black.
2. Along w a Smokey Eye I Also Think a Glam Bag Needs a Nude Lip. When You Go Drama on the Eyes It Is My Opinion You Wanna Go Kinda Chill w the Rest of Your Look. Here, I Am Wearing @revlon #GelLipStick in #Sand(its one of my new faves!! Highly Recommend Trying Out a Color fr the Line), Lined w a @jordana_cosmetics Lip Liner.
StacieTennessee Insta
3. I Believe EVERY Glam Bag Must Have is Black Liquid Eye Liner & a Matte Bold Lip. I Love Red, Pink or Plumb. Paired I Find it to be Classic, Fancy, & Even Something You Could Do in Every Day Styling. Because of its Classic Vibe I Don't Know That I Think There is an Occasion Where This Look Wouldn't Work. In This Pic I am Wearing @revlon #LiquidEyeLiner in Black, @maybelline #CatEye (cant recall official name at the moment) Mascara in Black. 4. In this Pic I Am Wearing a #MatteRed Lip by @rimmellondonus #KateMossCollection #107, Lined w @jordana_cosmetics Lip Liner Both fr @walgreens. Quick Tip/Trick ~ When Applying Your Foundation Save a Little on Whatever Tool You Use to Apply It (sponge, brush, fingers) and dab it Onto Your Lips. As You Finish Your Make Up and Blend. By the Time You're Finished Applying Your Blush, etc. it Will Have Set & Will Be a Good Foundation (pun unintended, but works out) for Your Lip Liner/Stick. It Helps Make the Color Last Longer, Helps to Keep Your Lip Liner on Your Lip & Helps Keep Your Lips fr Feeling Dry (which happens sometimes w a matte).
Stay Tuned for Future Glam Bag Posts!! Coming Soon = "I Walk the Line" a Post on Liners and Shadows. Remember, I'm a Mess So You Don't Have to Be.
I Live in a Town Where Most Do Not Fear Sharing Their Faith. A Town Where Some Places Close Early on Wednesday & Don't Open at All on Sunday So That Employees Can Go to Church if They Want. Directly Across fr My House There is a Cross That Glows at Night, Placed on the Mountain Top. I've Written About it Before, but Long Story Short It Amazes Me How He Keeps These Unexpected, Yet Absolutely Beautiful Reminders Around for Not Just Me, but the Entire Town.
A Month or So Ago I Went for a Night Drive. Ya Know, Cause Sometimes You Just Need a Night Drive?! Anyway, This Cross Had Been Added to a Barn That's' Been Around for as Long as I Can Remember. I Was Surprised & Moved All at the Same Time. I Was Blessed by Yet Another Reminder That While it Can be Difficult or Frustrating at Times, I Am Exactly Where He Wants Me, For The Moment at Least. I'm Grateful He Cares Enough to Speak to Me in Ways I'll Understand.
I'm Grateful for the Images He Uses to Show Us His Power, Promise & Love. Today is in Remembrance of the Greatest Image He Has Left for Us, an Empty Tomb. Praise the Lord for All He Has Done & for All He Has Yet to Do. Thank You Father for Loving Me So Consistently & in a Way That Lets Me Know You Know Me!!!! Happy Easter Loved Ones! May the Beauty of His Promises Fulfilled Fuel Your Day.
Todays #MotoMonday Message is Simple, Chill the Frack Out. How Much of What You Carry isn't Yours to Be Carrying in the First Place?! Being Different, is Good. Allowing Folks to be Passionate About Things You May Not Be Passionate About is Kinda Part of the Purpose to This Freedom Perk We Get Here in the U.S. Support Who/What You Feel Lead to Support. Like What You Like. Boldly Be, Uniquely You. Some Folks Think They Aren't Livin' Right if They Aren't Mad, Stressed or Offended. Don't be Those Folks. God Has Proven on More Than One Occassion That He is Capable of Carrying Our Burdens & Worthy of Our Trust. Trust Him w Your Burdens Today.
Earlier Last Week I Posted to My Socials What I Thought Was a Cute Coincidence of a Nail Color Choice Between Myself and Selena Gomez. After Watching @13reasonswhy I Now Know the Significance of the Color Choice & am Even More Impressed w It. I Am Fairly Confident Every Time I Wear it From Here on Out I'll Probably Think of "13 Reasons".
Any of you that follow me on socials already know that I spent the weekend binge watching "13 Reasons Why" on Netflix. I was so taken with it I watched it twice and posted about it all over my socials encouraging anyone who works with or is raising a high school aged child or works in mental health, counseling, etc. to watch it. It was 13, one hour each, episodes and I literally watched them all in one day. I was THAT taken with them. Now, I also shared this warning with my followers, there is a lot of F bomb drop-age and some scenes weren't easy to watch. I confess I looked away several times, but they also warn you pre-episode with the "some scenes and conversations in this episode may not be acceptable for all age groups......" warning. I'm not saying I never swear so I was so deeply offended by the swearing. I'm just saying that I think Hollywood and people who create the majority of online programing as well as movie's for that matter, think that people in the "real world" swear much more than they actually do. Even the person(s) I know that use swears as a base to all their sentence building don't swear as much as these kids did. I also think that Netflix must have had some sort of F bomb quota they were meant to meet. Well, they met and exceeded it. All that to say, if you are easily offended by profanity, this is not the program for you. The reason I watched all the episodes despite the profanity and difficult to watch scenes was due to the fact that I immediately had this pain in my heart that this is some folks reality. I instantly connected with that darkness that the female lead, "Hannah Baker" felt in her attempts to find another choice, to think and feel a different way. I truly think that if one is honest with themselves, like deep down, we all can relate to both the male and female leads and even the supporting cast. "13 Reasons Why", was first a book and has been in progress for several years. Originally Selena Gomez was set to play Hannah Baker, lead female and co-narrator of the story, but Gomez is quoted as saying the closer they got to it the more she felt it couldn't be her. She served as one of three executive producers on the project and I think that her involvement has brought it far more attention than it may have gotten all on its own.
All that said after watching, posting, texting with several friends who had watched and then re-watching it for a second time I needed to know four things,......
1. Least importantly, did this program have a downloadable sound track, cause I NEED it??!!! ANSWER: It is on SPOTIFY!!!
2. As mentioned in previous paragraph, Does Netflix have a F Bomb quota to fill per production?
3. Also as stated above, if you work with or are raising a HS aged youth or work in or struggle with mental health yourself, I strongly recommend watching it.
4. Lastly, is there gonna be a second season? I read an article today on E News Online (which you can find reposted on my facebook), that the writer of the book did not intend for the story to continue, but admits that he is intrigued as well after all the attention the show has gotten. It almost read as though if it did go into a second season he would not be the writer, which if true would totally throw off the consistency I think that one writer brings to something so heavy. We will see.
How does all this relate to New Music Monday? Well, as I said I NEEDED to know if there was a soundtrack available and upon finding it I decided to dedicate this weeks #NMM to a few tracks from it as well as a few other girl power, love yourself, like what you like, boldly be uniquely you, tunes that are currently ruling airwaves. Starting with....
Lauren Alaina - "Road Less Traveled"
fr "Road Less Traveled"
Lauren Alaina hit #1 this weekend with the sophomore single and title track from "Road Less Traveled" Alaina's current album. I posted this tune a little over a month ago in a past New Music Monday post. It is so good it deserves a second go 'round. Especially after taking over that number one spot!! Written by Lauren Alaina, Megan Trainor & Jesse Fraisire "Road Less Traveled", is a bit of an anthem for females everywhere. Admit it or not, but we all battle times of insecurity, questioning who we are, how we look, who we "should" be and how we "should" look. This tune takes the power back and reminds the listener that they are perfect as is and that the reflection in the mirror changes based on the reflections in our mind. It is a beautiful tune and I am ecstatic for the American Idol alum that she has hit this wonderful milestone with the second single off of "Road Less Traveled". Head over to Spotify or iTunes and give it a listen and a download.
Second tune is, Alessia Cara's, "Scars to Your Beautiful". I feel like every time I get in my car this song is on the radio. To say it is getting some serious air time is a huge understatement. None the less it isn't one of those tunes, well not yet, that I'm like "NOT AGAIN", when it comes on. I still feel as empowered, comforted, and riled up about its message every single time I listen to it. Also on Spotify you should look it up and give it a listen and a save. Alessia sings to every soul listening, "you don't have to change, the world can change its heart" and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I hear that line I think YES JESUS, YES!!!! The world can change ITS heart!!!!! I so often read stories or watch interviews of people who speak pure ignorance on topics they are probably only aware of from afar. I recently read an article of someone fat shaming a store's choice to use plus size models in some of their advertising. This opposer believes that it is promoting an unhealthy life style. Now, I am not a good example of this at the current moment due to all the things going on w my health, but, BUT, I agree with those of the mindset that there is such a thing as "healthy overweight people". Just last week Pink posted a pic of herself pre or post work out sharing her weight and the fact that per the BMI scale she is considered obese. Her caption read, "Would you believe that I'm 160 pounds and 5'3? By "regular" standards that makes me obese. I know I'm not at my goal or anywhere near it after baby #2, but d@^^it I don't feel obese. The only thing I am feeling is myself. Stay off that scale ladies!!". She is pure muscle!!! Like, always! Everyone is getting it. Doesn't matter if you are wealthy, famous, living pay check to pay check, a student, a professional, a mom, daughter, wife, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, dad, uncle, writer, singer, actor, etc. EVERYONE is under attack when it comes to how we see our selves. When did we decide that someone else can see us clearer than we can??!!! Why do we believe that if this one certain person/site/page/etc. likes/comments/reposts our socials then it must be true that we are smart/pretty/talented/etc. AND THEN we give it the power to swing our pendulum in the opposite direction. If so many don't like this pic then it must be because I'm ugly/fat/stupid/etc. When did we decide that the slander of those more insecure than ourselves is something that we should take to heart? How do we get there???!!! How do we get to a place where the compliments of our family and friends, the people who know us best, are the compliments that "have" to be said b/c they are our family, etc. Why do we not believe that they see us perfectly clear and that their opinion and compliment are to be taken positively??!!
Alessia Cara - "Scars to Your Beautiful"
fr "Know it 'All"
I have my moments. Sweet heavens above I have my moments, but for the most part, these days, I often feel the confidence that comes from being a daughter of the king. I said, I have my moments and sometimes those moments last for days or weeks or months, but He never fails to bring me back to the idea that I am His creation and in that simple and magnificent truth alone, I am enough and perfect as is. Every "flaw" has a purpose. You can't let the world decide for you what is healthy for you. I am 5'1 and I can confidently say that the last time I was the weight that the BMI says I should be I was in utero. I have NEVER been the weight the BMI suggests is healthy for me. That includes a time when I contracted a parasite in another country that ate all my food and made me barf for a legit seven days straight. According to the BMI even after Anita the Omeba ate all my insides, I was STILL OBESE!!! Along the same line I add that, I also haven't always been as ill as I have been these last few years. I was by no means a gym rat, but I moved and even at what I would classify as my most healthy moment in time I was not a weight that most would approve of number wise, but was getting verbal compliments on my image daily. I agree with Pink, stay off the scales. If you HAVE to weigh don't do it every dern day. One of my survival tips when it comes to self - esteem, confidence and keeping a clear head about such things, is cutting out the size label in my clothes. It shouldn't be about the number on the shirt that makes you feel pretty in it. I can tell you that maybe half my clothes have no size label in them at this point and I am perfectly o.k. with that. It truly has relieved me of one less concern in the getting ready process. Five women can stand in front of you of different height, inches, weight and all wear the same size. You can get five identical items of clothing all in the same size from five different brands and have a range of differences from 1-2 inches to 5-8 inches!!! WE WEREN'T MADE TO BE COOKIE CUTTER IMAGES OF ANYONE BUT CHRIST!!!!!!!!! It is perfectly OK if you do not look like your best friend, sibling, or a model. It is o.k. to not be a size four or medium, or whatever. You have a purpose that is different than most of this worlds, CLAIM IT!!!!! And don't be defeated by something as ever changing as the opinions of others, weight, and beauty.
Joy Division - "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
fr "13 Reasons Why"
Selena Gomez - "Kill Em W Kindness"
fr "13 Reasons Why"
Something unique about this modern telling of life and death is the soundtrack that accompanies it. A throw back in time for the most part it is a perfect grey cloud that follows the story around through each episode. Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" has been around for several decades, but I don't think it is a track that ever gets old or irrelevant. It is always perfect. I chose a Selena Gomez track from the 13 Reasons Spotify list because of how much attention she has been able to bring to the topic of mental health in general, but also that of today's teens. No one has it easy. Even Gomez has commented on having to take some time away from the spot light, cancelling dates of a tour, and heading to a facility to get her mind right. I watch "reality" t.v. and am often flooded with sadness for some of these people/families. All this money, all this attention, all these opportunities that so many would LOVE to have and still, they find themselves empty, lonely, insecure, hungry and starving for something that their money and notoriety can't afford them. It's heart breaking sometimes.
I'll be honest with you and say that I do NOT know how folks get through this life with out Jesus. I am far from perfect and I know that I probably get it wrong far more times that I ever get it right, but I know day in and day out that despite my times of failing faith my salvation has afforded me a constant counselor, companion, listening ear, sympathizing heart, friend, guide, rescue, healer, provider, protector, hiding place, and sets with in me a self confidence that can come from no where nor no one else. I know that I don't look like you. I'm growing more and more o.k. with that each and every day. Hence the new Glam Bag series.
I am, with several decades under my belt now, finally finding a space where I am in love with who I am and how God has created me, even the flaws. See, to Him they aren't flaws. I'm not all that concerned with being seen as beautiful by a world that allows women to starve themselves in order to grace a cover or walk a runway. A world that see's at home mom/wife duties as not being a "real" job. My list could go on for days of how I disagree with the world so, it's best I stop here. Point blank, I am SO very grateful for my God and the relationship I am allowed with Jesus through my salvation. Even with the parts of me I don't like or would have requested differently had I been given a vote, I keep going back to this place of God's purpose. There is a purpose for every "flaw" and "perfection" , "struggle" and "victory".
I watched 13 Reasons and as a foolish girl sometimes does, I spoke to the characters on the T.V. screen trying to remind them of where their worth should really be found. To alert them to the fact that High School is a genuine blip on the radar of life. Not to be all cliché, but it DOES in fact get better. My cries to the screen reminded me this was meant to be a depiction/refection/a reminder of what kids are dealing with. How they are or aren't communicating with those placed around them for these dark and difficult times. Lets agree to pray for our youth. Lets hope the music, if nothing or no one else, gets through to them. Hope that the music becomes the words, conversations, prayers, that each listener needs to make it through to the next moment, day, week, etc. That the music would be the friend, confidence, inspiration that one might need to securely slide into the skin they're in and love it. You've got a purpose. You are not alone. He is with you. He is for you. Hang on. Just. Keep. Hanging. On......if even only by your pinky finger.....that's painted cobalt blue, (wink).
I got kinda heavy on this weeks share, but sometimes the heavy needs addressed. I promise next week to have brain candy prepared for you and your ears. Until then, download these tunes on Spotify, itunes, etc. It truly is a great sound track top to bottom.
Its #BIRCHBOX Day!! I LOVE the Day My @birchbox Arrives. It Brightens Any Day! This Month I Received #amika#NourshingHairMask (Gonna Test it My Next at Home Spa Night). @coola_suncare #SPF50SportMango Sun Lotion, @hustlebutterdeluxe #HustleButterLuxe Which the Instructions Say is Helpful Not Just for Dry Skin, but Bug Bites!! If You Know Me You Know Summer Time is One of My Biggest Enemies Mainly b/c Mosquitos are to Me Like Ants at a Picnic. Doesn't Matter if I Go w/o Lotions, Perfumes, etc. So! Annoying! So, I Amped to Test This Stuff Out.
Pictured in this Post I am Wearing @thebeautycrop #GRLPWRLipsLiquidLipstick in #ImmaBawse, Feels Like Velvet & After Drying it Hasn't Smudged. I Have Even Drank, Eaten a Snack & its Still On M'Lips! The @thisworksofficial #DeepSleepPillowSpray in This Months Box Was the Item I Chose. I LOVE Lavender & Depend On it at Sleepy Time & Lastly, @showbeautyofficial #PureMoistureShampooConditioner.
I've Said it Before, I'll Say it Again, #Birchbox is a Great Gift for the #CosmeticsJunky in Your Life. Each Month You Receive 6 Sample Size Products. You Have the Option of Being Surprised, Choosing the Specialty Curated Box Themed for the Month, or the Box(Which I Tend to Do) Where You Get to Pick One of the Six Products You'll Be Receiving. Something Special @birchbox Does is Always Add a Encouraging/Silly/Fun Description to Your Name/Mailing Address. This Month I Am #StunningStacie ,I Think its the @thebeautycrop #LiquidLipstick That Snagged Me This New Title, LoL!!!
Y'all Know I LOVE a at Home Spa Day/Night. So, When I Got the #Elf#UnderEyeGels I Could Not Wait to Try Them. Last Night I Wore Them for About 30 min. Post Hot Shower & Face Wash. The Instructions Say 15 min., but I Got Distracted, Per Usual. I Am Picky About My Pampering & I'm Not Gonna Purchase Something Just b/c It Is Inexpensive, Expensive, a Model Uses it or Has A Lot of Hype. If Something Does't Work for You Then it Isn't Worth Having No Matter What Ya Paid or Who Represents It.
If You Purchase fr Elf Online The Under Eye Gels are $8.00 for a Set of Three Pair. Currently @elfcosmetics is Also on @ebatesshopping So, However Much You Spend You Get a Percentage Back. I Really Was Impressed w These Under Eye Gels. I've Used an Array of Similar Products & This Was by Far Superior. I've Been Sick w Food Poisoning Earlier This Week & I Feel w The Eye Gels & a Touch of Concealer fr. @tartecosmetics that You Can't Even Tell That Yesterday I Had Bags the Size of European Luggage Under My Eyes.
Your Eyes & the Area Around Them is Precious. You Need to Treat it as Such. The #elf#UnderEyeGels Have No Aroma, Stay Put aka Don't Slide Down to Your Cheeks, & Left My Skin Feeling Like Silk. All Night I Kept Touching to See if My Under Eye Was Still Silky, LoL! They Were, Just for the Record.
Seven Different Mascaras', Four Different Brands, Water Proof, Non Water Proof, All in Black. This is the Final Post in the #DontLashOutSeries of #GlamBagReviews. My Faves Were @benefitcosmetics #TheyreReal & @maybelline #Faslies (both).
My Biggest Pieces of Advice When it Comes to Mascara are 1. Always Water Proof!! 2. Take Your Time When Applying. 3. Give it a Second to Dry Before Moving to the Next Eye. I Think That Taking Time When Applying Can Make Almost Any Mascara "Work" for You. My Faves are Based on Them Staying On My Lashes Through Out a Day, Cost in Comparison to How Well it Handles the Days Events, Did I Have to Reapply, & Does it Lengthen. The Three I Mentioned Range fr $7ish - $20ish Depending on Where You Purchase, Give or Take.
Hope These Helped You to Save Some Dollars & Some Black Tears, LoL!!
Happy Sunshiny Day #BeautyQueens!! I Walk the Line will be The Next Set of Glam Bag Reviews Coming Soon . Eye Liners & Shadows, I Look a Mess So You Don't Have To! In This Pic I was Trying Out Some @elfcosmetics #SparkleEyeLiner in a Bronze Tone. They Are/Were Apart of the Summer Sale on & Come in a Set of 5 for $2.00!!!
This Bronze Color is on My Under Eye Line. I Like to Wear Different, but Complimenting Colors on My Bottom Lash Line from my Top Lash Line. If My Eyes Were Closed You'd See My Shadows from @ultabeauty Are All in the Earthy, but Shimmer-ey Bronze Color Family. One of My Many Favorite Things About These Liners is That They Each Come w Their Own Sharpener Built into the Cap. SO HANDY!!! That is One of the Best Things About elf Cosmetics. Often They Come Equipped w Whatever Accessory One Might Need for That Item, i.e. Pencil Eye Liner that Comes w a Lid That Also Serves as a Built in Sharpener. These Liners are Soft, but Not So Much that You End Up Layering Forever or Wasting. You Want a Pencil/Crayon-esq Liner to Be Some What Soft. If it Feels Like You Are Lining Your Eye w a Freshly Sharpened No.2 Pencil Then You Need to Return, Exchange or Toss It!! This Set Came w A White, Deep Green, Deep Purple, Bronze & Black Liners. Its Official, these Liners by #elf are #StacieRecommended & #DiscountDivaApproved!!!
Today I Share @elfcosmetics #LengtheningAndDefining Mascara in Black Non Waterproof. As Much as I Love All Other #elf Products it Hurts Me To Say That This is Not One of Them. Currently on Sale in Their Summer Promo for 40 Cents So, it You Wanted to Give This One a Try For Yourself It Wouldn't Be a Huge Loss if You Too End Up Not Loving It. For Me it... Was Just Too Thick, Clumpy & All Around Just Not the Best Out There. Like I Said, it Makes Me Sad to Say That as I LOVE Basically EVERYTHING Else I Have Tried fr #elf.
I feel like I need to start with a bit of a rant and then possibly cool down as I write. This is The Face You Make When #BackStreetBoys are Performing at the @acmawards , but @kipmooremusic, @thecadillac3, @kelleighbannen, & @aubriesellers Aren't. Also, Why Wasn't #BestNewFemale Category Filled??!! Most of the Categories are at least, AT LEAST, five nominee's and for whatever reason Best New Female was only four. That erks my nerves to the highest degree!!! Lauren Alaina, RaeLynn, Aubrie Sellers, Kelleigh Bannen, Margo Price, and my list could literally go on and on with female artists who should've been that fifth nom. I have a deep need to meet the people who make these decisions.
Anyway, there is so much to discuss about last nights ceremony that I almost do not know where exactly to begin in reviewing and recapping. I suppose the opening performance is as good as any. This years nominee's for Entertainer of the Year (EOTY) were Keith Urban, Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Carrie Underwood and Jason Aldean. The show opened with each artist doing a small performance that bleed into the next ones. A bit of a introduction or reminder I suppose. I believe this may be the first time, or at least first in recent years that the EOTY have been displayed back to back like that. I didn't intend to rhyme that, but what are ya going to do?! It was a o.k. performance. Seemed rushed, but I am unsure how it could've not.
I'm not 100% on FGL, but I know that Keith, Luke and Jason have all won this category before. I really, really wanted to see Carrie Underwood win this. She had a album, "Storytellers" that has produced about 4 or 5 number ones, she headlined a sold out tour across the U.S. and then performed as opener for Keith Urban in Oz. She is an artist that is known by fans of all genre's, she is a stand up role model for other females, has a sports clothing line, a Almay contract, has performed at the Grand Ol' Opry 100 times, you read that correct, 100!!! It was definitely time, but Jason Aldean ended up taking it for what I want to say is the second year in a row. And may I ask, WHERE THE H WAS ERIC CHURCH???!!!!! He is performing sold out shows across the U.S. with out, I repeat, WITH OUT a OPENER. He and his team are performing three hour shows and killing it over and over. All the fan reviews that I have seen online are outstanding and I must say, I expected nothing less. So, it leads me to the question, why was Eric Church not in this category??!!!
Eric Church - "Kill a Word"
Live at Red Rocks
fr "Mr. Misunderstood"
Male Vocalist of the Year was a surprise to everyone in the room including the winner. Thomas Rhett was announced as Male Vocalist of the Year and stayed in his seat for several seconds just shaking his head. It was almost as if his adorable wife had to reassure him that he had heard it correctly. After a hug and a kiss on her preggo belly Rhett headed to the stage for his acceptance speech. A lot of folks do not agree with this win, but I kinda get it. He has had a stellar year. He isn't a newbie, he hasn't been around for decades yet, and his tracks are ranging from traditional to pop soul-esq in sound. I would have loved to see Dierks win, but I'm not as upset as some might assume over TR winning. Also, TR and his wife Lauren are legit couple goals if ever there were any.
Female Vocalist of the Year, for the EIGHTH TIME, went to Queen Ran. "The Weight of These Wings", also won Album of the Year. So, to say that Ms. Lambert had an amazing night may be a bit of understatement. Queen Ran also performed a much discussed pre-show, acoustic version of "Tin Man" from her most recent album. "The Weight of These Wings" has 24 tracks and Lambert had stated in some pre-show media that she is aware that there aren't going to be 24 singles come from this record, but she is so passionate about this work that with each opportunity she want's to give these tunes a moment in the spot light. Well, girl did NOT disappoint. Easily one of the pest performances of the night, Miranda's voice was on point, she did not seem one bit nervous and for a song that most probably made the assumption of its inspiration, she didn't get too emotional while performing either.
Miranda Lambert - "Tin Man"
Live at 2017 ACM's
fr "The Weight of These Wings"
Brothers Osbourne - "21 Summer"
fr "Pawn Shop"
The BrosOz as I like to call them, won both New Vocal Duo and Over All Vocal Duo. Per usual their family was apart of their squad for the evening and per usual their thank you speech was awesome. I love that they truly didn't seem to expect this win even though they took the category at the CMA's. I think that the brothers have such a unique vocal sound. I don't see how someone could not like their tunes. I am happy for their win.
Best New Male went to Jon Pardi and Best New Female went to Maren Morris. With Best New Male I was going to be happy with any winner as long as it wasn't Kane Brown. So, congrats Mr. Pardi, looks like those boots are really helping climb that ladder. New Female really burns my biscuits as it only has 4 nominee's. It is the only category that was not filled for the night that very easily could have been. As I mentioned earlier Kelleigh Bannen, Aubrie Sellers, RaeLynn, Cassaddee Pope, Margo Price, and the list goes on and on. All of them are out there bustin' their rears making great music, touring, and yet the category was left one short. Again I ask, who do I speak to in order to better understand these kinds of decisions??!!
Maren Morris - "I Could Use a Love Song"
fr "Hero"
Official Video Releasing SOON!!!
Tim McGraw - "Humble and Kind"
Written by Lori McKenna
In about 52 years of ACM's this is the first, THE FIRST time that a female writer won Song Writer of the Year for "Humble and Kind" which was recorded by Tim McGraw. I honestly don't know that anyone else would have delivered the song in such a way that the lyrics truly shined the way McGraw did. The ACM's chose to present this award to McKenna at one of the weekends Party for a Cause performances. Pictures have been all over socials of the super cute shocked look on her face over it all. I struggle with the awards that are handed out pre-show because so often we as fans actually want to hear the acceptance speech and see the surprise on an artists face when hearing their name. This year the Academy presented the actual trophies for Best New's at the show so, the artists did get a chance to do thank you's. This is different from last year, so, kudos ACM's. Good Call!!!!
Vocal Event went to FGL w Tim McGraw for "May We All". My vote would have went to Dierks and Elle for "Different for Girls". Single Record of the Year also went to FGL for "H.O.L.Y.". The duo as the last performance of the night collaborated with the Back Street Boys, yes, you read that correctly, the Back Street Boys. I am not a huge fan of either group so this performance was somewhat lost on me, but I have decided, due to this performance, that Tim McGraw is the new awards show Taylor Swift. If you missed his reaction to BK and Tyler doing actual choreography with BSB then you need to look it up and look up Tim's reaction. It is awesome!!!
Video of the Year went to "Forever Country", Group of the Year went to Little Big Town once again, and Song of the Year also went to Thomas Rhett for "Die a Happy Man". That song has provided some amazing waves for Rhett to ride this last awards season. I love that it is about his wife and that she was in the video with him for it. Again, I know that many disagree with this choice by the Academy, but I support it. It may not have been my particular choice, but I have no beef with it. Rhett is headlining a sold out tour with openers like Ryan Hurd, Kelsea Ballerini, and Daniel Bradberry at some stops. His wife is expecting and they are also in the process of adopting. I think that so much is happening at once for Thomas I hope that it doesn't overwhelm. I hope they can get time to celebrate and enjoy all of these blessings.
Thomas Rhett - "Die a Happy Man"
fr "Tangled Up"
Keith Urban Featuring Carrie Underwood - "Fighter"
fr "Ripcord"
Performances for the night where o.k. A few stand outs, Maren Morris w her next single, "I Could Use a Love Song". As mentioned earlier Miranda's performance was flawless, Carrie and Keith performed well, I would expect nothing less from these two, but "Fighter" is a bit too much of a throw back for me. The arrangement, the instrumental, I don't know, it just all feels like it is in the wrong decade for me. BrosOz performed and it was wonderful, Dierks did well as did Luke, I think this may have been one of Kelsea Ballerini's best awards show performances to date. Sam Hunt, SAM HUNT!!!!!!!!!! I was already a Sam Hunt fan, but this performance just made me love him more. I feel like his personality has seriously taken a turn since his recent engagement to long time love, Hannah. Who was in the audience and received some rather special attention from her beau during his performance. I have decided that Hunts current single, "Body Like a Back Road" is the country version of "Your Body is a Wonderland". I like both songs, don't get it twisted. I'm just saying the sentiment kinda takes me back to that tune by John Mayer. I love "Body Like a Back Road" and love it even more as it is reportedly written about Hunts lady.
As far as performances go I think that Lady Antebellum may very well be my fave or at least a close tie with the Stapleton's. Lady A brought in the marching band from a Vegas university and I still have the horn line stuck in my head. It was a great performance from Lady A for their newest single, "You Look Good". Even Little Big Town in accepting their award made the statement they want to be in Antebellums band, LoL!!! Stapelton and his Mrs. killed it, I mean, of course they did!!! Again, total couple goals right there. Stapelton surprisingly did not take home any trophies this year. I hate that radio doesn't play more of his tunes. I hate that he didn't take home not one award. I hate, that my intuition is feeling like they are going to treat it like a moment instead of the actual talent he is.
Lady Antebellum - "You Look Good"
fr Upcoming Album
Performances that I could have done with out....Cole, ever anywhere. I'm o.k. with not hearing him perform. Brett Eldridges performance was set up in a different way. He didn't just appear on stage like the other performers. While I like something different now and then I feel like it gave Brett too much to think about beyond just performing. Last year this happened with Kelsea in changing her outfit while performing. The night is nerve racking enough and I understand they want to entertain the crowd, but it is few the artist who could handle a performance that included cardio. There were other performances I could have done without, but I don't want to linger on that. I think this paragraph is a good enough snap shot to give you an idea.
Now, folks that should have been there to perform, present or nominated are Kip Moore, The Cadillac Three, Aubrie Sellers, Kelliegh Bannen, Margo Price, Sturgill Simpson, who by the was won a Grammy for best album just a month ago. A GRAMMY PEOPLE!!! And still radio doesn't give him air time nor do awards shows. Forever baffled. I think that Margo, Aubrie, TC3 and Kip have all been consistently producing new music and touring hard. I do not understand why they have been overlooked. I repeat, I need a discussion with whomever plans these shindigs like, ASAP!!!!
Gonna close this wicked long post with some Cadillac Three. Lead singer, Jaren Johnston and his beautiful wife Evyn welcomed their first child, a son named Jude, just a few days ago. So, even if TC3 had been nominated or asked to perform I suppose they couldn't have, but still. They should've been asked.
The Cadillac Three - "White Lightening"
fr "Bury Me in My Boots"
Live at Abbey Road
Happy New Music Monday Friends!! Now that it is officially Spring I hope that you are having a wonderful time watching the season bring things back to life. See you next week!!!