Monday, October 9, 2017

~ New Music Monday ~ October 9th, 2017 ~ Gonna Need a Minute ~

I've gone back and forth with the idea of putting off New Music Monday for another week. After something like Vegas, the passing of Tom Petty,  the natural disasters that have been occurring over the last three weeks via hurricanes/tornado's, the fact that Colorado got SNOW today, whatever everyone has going on right in front of them in their personal lives and knowing that Ivana and Melania are fighting over who is First Lady via social media really makes me think we all need a minute. I mean, really ladies?! Get your crap together. We DO NOT have time for this ridiculousness.

Anyway, I'm not sure that some music sharing wouldn't be just the thing to help us to get out of this funk, a bit. I think that sharing some Tom Petty, "Learning to Fly" covered by one of my fave groups, Kip Moore and the Slowhearts is a good place to start. The Slowhearts have been in the UK the last few weeks and added in this cover to several of their sets in honor of Tom Petty's passing. I think they did a beautiful job with it and the guitar is INSANELY good. It alone, brings tears to my eyes. Add in Kips vocals and forget about it, I'm a mess.

Kip Moore and the Slowhearts
Cover Tom Petty "Learning to Fly"
in the UK
Jason Aldean - SNL - Covering Tom Petty
"Won't Back Down"
Jason Aldean was the artist performing when the horrific tragedy at the Mandalay Bay Resort occurred last week. 58 lost, 500+ injured and officials are still investigating as to why this happened. Jason, who's pregnant wife Brittany was feet away from the stage, cancelled the shows he had slotted for the rest of the week out of respect for what was happening. We had heard from other artists that the Aldean's where taking a beat to absorb what had happened and carefully move forward. Completely, understandable. Saturday night, Aldean did a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live as the opener. Just the second episode of the SNL Fall season, Jason shared a brief word about the events in Vegas and then performed Tom Petty's, "Won't Back Down". He got two birds with one stone on this one. And I think that while the song is obviously a Petty hit and perfectly logical for a tribute to his life and music it is also a wonderful anthem for music fans to be clinging to after the horror of Vegas.
I haven't been watching SNL for a while. It has its ebbs and flows as far as cast, writers, etc. But frankly, I was tired of Alec Baldwin as Trump, Melissa McCarthy as Spicer, & Kate McKinnon as Hillary. I like all three of those actors, HELLO, Sookie St. James forever!! But I felt the show was resting on its laurels by constantly leaning on politics for material. There's more going on & this choice of Jason Aldean as surprise opener is evidence. One thing SNL tends to consistently get write is the serious and respectful addressing of tragic events in our country. Its almost as though we wait for them to tell us that it is ok to laugh again. They did it after 9/11 & it was done again for Vegas.

I am tripped out that the UFC is giving Jason crap over his declining their invitation for the same night. They have been slandering Aldean and his camp, basically all day in the news media accusing him of choosing SNL because it was a better career choice and claiming he does not care for those fans affected by the shooting. I for one do NOT agree with that. I mean, I know I am watching from the side lines, but I think that is a cheep blow and fans, real fans, and the folks who were there, are gonna know what is up. Please know that Aldean and his wife returned to Vegas yesterday, one week post shooting, to visit the survivors that are still being treated in the hospital. I can't say that I would be mentally or emotionally ready to return to the scene of such a traumatic event so soon. That's legit care right there on the Aldean's part.

Sorry UFC, go suck eggs and spread your bitterness elsewhere. Good attempt to make it all about you and hog some media coverage away from the victims and the investigation.

Bur for reals, Great job SNL & Aldean!! I think that "Won't Back Down" is slowly becoming an anthem after all that has happened over the last month. I read a statement somewhere that someone was hoping the victims of the shooting arrived to a Tom Petty concert in Heaven, I like that thought. It is kinda wild that both losses happened so closely to one another so it is comforting to think of them transitioning together.

I want to close this weeks #NMM with a song by Maren Morris. Written and first shared several years ago Maren got the opportunity to track it with Vince Gill a while back, but never officially released it. After the shooting in Vegas she re-shared it to her socials, it was then put on iTunes, other song sharing sites like Spotify, etc. with all proceeds going to the victims funds from the Vegas shootings. If you have not listened to it, please do and if you have not downloaded it or put it on your Spotify play list, again, please do so!!

Maren Morris with Vince Gill - "Dear Hate"

Hopefully, next week will return to our regularly scheduled music sharing. I have several posts in my notebook that have been put back,,,,ya know, because of life. I look forward to getting those out to you soon!!

Love you all!!

Do NOT let hate win!

Do NOT let the events in Vegas or anywhere else like that stop you from loving, buying, and going to see music and artists!!

Let Music Unite Us All.

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