Romans 10:13-15 "As the Scripture says, “Anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved .14 But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must believe in him ; and before they can believe in him , they must hear about him ; and for them to hear about the Lord , someone must tell them ; 15 and before someone can go and tell them , that person must be sent " ![]() |
Crystals prayer for her time in Peru . Crystals sending agent - Pioneers |
For those of you that follow my blog you know I have already written two previous posts on my dear friend Crystal Snow who is currently serving as a full time missionary in Peru . Today I want to give you an update on Crystal , the work , the people and how you can help if you feel lead . Crystal and I have been IMing , Facebooking and e-mailing for the last several weeks . We are actually IMing as I write this post . She is currently back from a jungle trip , teaching Bible stories to local children , working on her Spanish and preparing for her next jungle journey . She had to leave our chat for dinner time which was soup....which she will possibly also have for breakfast . I'll give varied details through out the post .
Crystals passion is for the people of Peru , especially the children . As I read through her e-mail updates and her telling stories not just of what she is doing , but about the people she is meeting I am brought to tears . Brought to tears for the people , the work , but also for the beauty of what God has placed in Crystals heart . I had the pleasure of meeting Crystal when she enrolled as a freshman to a college I was working at . Right from the start she was a spirit I knew I would love . However, my dog did not immediately love her , you can read that story here and also learn more about Crystals beginning steps toward Peru . Well, my initial instinct was right on this one and Crystal has remained a cherished and encouraging friend . If I can do her story even a little bit of justice or add one more prayer warrior to her army then that would be great .
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Me & CSnow - @ TTU - Creation Festival HARDEST CONCERT EVER !! This day ended with us and the rest of the crew quiet literally on the floor....not in prayer so much as near exhaustion . |
I've been reading our e-mails , messages and looking through her pictures praying for the Lord to direct my words . I so want to express the amazing thing that is going on in this young ladies life and because of this young ladies life . Just as we chatted today I wanted her to know and be encouraged by the idea that she represents so much more than herself . Many of us who would love to , but never will be able to tread the mission field in the way that she is find joy , peace and assurance through the work she is doing . My hope is that the idea of not just being the hands and feet of the Maker , but of those of His missionaries at heart would energize her . I believe 100% that God is using Crystals life to change others lives for His glory ! There are many pictures and words straight from Crystal that I want to share with you . In our most resent chats we've discussed her health , her heart (not in a medical sense, but a spiritual and rather human one) , the teaching she is doing , needs and what's next . I am so grateful for technology and the ability it has to bring us close to those miles , countries and even oceans away . Since Crystal is currently in a village she has access now and then to the Internet and can message, email, facebook and what not . However, when she leaves again in the upcoming months to head back to the jungle she will more than likely not have such resources . I mean , this is the kind of ride she is hitchin' to the jungle y'all .
Per one of Crystals update a ride into the jungle can take up to 5 days . Stopping to stay in schools along the way and of course with very few potty breaks . " If we got a boat of our own we would not have to rent one (way overpriced) and it will help our trip take 2 or 3 days instead of 5 or sometimes 6." - CSnow . Crystal and her team are hoping to fund raise for a new boat or (new to them) and motor as they prepare for their upcoming jungle trips . I will have a full "needs list" at the end of this post . Here are a few pictures and words from Crystal on her jungle trip .
John 15:5
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing."
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing."
"Sunday morning we held our first service of about 15 people with the Enganu tribe . We sang songs in Spanish along with songs in their native tongue Quetcua and our missionary leader Jamer (Peruvian pastor) taught the story of creation . That afternoon , we went out along to each house on the river to invite the children to our classes . Monday through Friday we ate breakfast together with the people in the community and had about 30 minutes to get everything ready for our kids classes . We met everyday from 9:30-12 in an old school house and each day had 20-40 kids from ages 1-15 . We had 5 lessons throughout the week, one for everyday- 1. creation of the world 2. the first sin (Adam and eve) 3. the promise/need of a savior 4. the birth/life/death/resurrection of Christ 5. the salvation message . Each day we sang 3-6 songs and taught them hand motions that would help them remember the words . This was harder than normal because for all of them, Spanish is their 2nd language and for many of them they don't understand a lot. Daily, we also practiced our Bible verses Genesis 1:1, Romans 3:23, and John 3:16. We were quite surprised how well the kids understood and could memorize these verses . Lastly but very important, each day we played games outside. Relay games, games with water balloons and water, running, hopping, and games to build trust and team work."
Houses & Water Buffalo
Laycie washing dishes in the river .
CSnow (representing in her TTU shirt)
teaching on the topic of Creation .
A BABY Boa ! CSnow I get the creeps
just posting this pic . I are
super brave !!
Crystal & Oscar
"This is my little bud Oscar . He is a happy, funny 9 year old boy, who constantly has a smile on his face . He is missing his two front teeth and more importantly missing the relationship with King Jesus . He has not yet heard, but we have hope that he will soon. :) Oscar's daddy for all his life until recently has been an angry, abusive, alcoholic . A few years ago, the Brujo (witchdoctor) told Max (oscar's dad) that he only had a few months to live and that his house was cursed with an evil bear spirit that would kill him before the sickness did . Max left the house to wander . He traveled from brujo to brujo trying to find a cure . He dressed in all black, was on a strict "diet" from the brujo and was told never to return... through this, he stopped drinking and after months of searching, went to the missionary's house and begged for her to heal him . She told him she would pray for him, but for him to be healed he must choose which God he would serve . He could not serve the dark and the light . He must choose . A week later, max returned and told her that he was ready to trust in God, return to his home, and asked if she would go with him to cast out the bear spirit in his home . Max is now a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and is in our discipleship program. He reads His Bible everyday and is learning how to finally be a daddy to his 4 children ." That is one of several stories Crystal has shared about the people she has met in Peru . I loved this picture because you just never know what will make someone feel more comfortable and will show them love, compassion or kindness . For this lil' guy it was a double eyes closed pic !
“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” -Steve Maraboli
Classes in the Jungle - From Crystals E-mail Update
Classes in the Jungle - From Crystals E-mail Update
Along with time in the jungle Crystal has also been spending time studying Spanish more intensively . She has been doing this by taking classes , helping tutor English , as well as using it in her every day life with her Peruvian family , locals and new friends . While in Peru since Crystal did not have her Visa during her education time , she had to take a break and leave the country . There are strict visitation laws with deadlines and fines if you break them . Crystal was not the only one in her class approaching this deadline so they took the opportunity of "needing" to leave the country to visit Chile . In January she finished her classes , but before graduation she had a very intense opportunity to test out what she had been learning when a fellow traveler came against some local authorities trying to reenter the country . " I stepped up to the glass wall and asked what the problem was . Calmly in my best Spanish accent explained that we were all here attending the same school in Arequipa , Peru and that after we finish school we would be traveling to different cities to work with the different tribes . The man was frustrated not buying our "story" and began to raise his voice . I took a deep breathe and explained that Marcus was a doctor's assistant who would be working in a hospital for the next year, Sigrid is working with a kids program in Arequipa and that Drew and I would be working with tribes in Pucallpa . He called his boss over and explained the situation I had just explained . He asked me why he should give me more time - I had already spent my 5 months and more time was prohibited , I told him we were in the process of gaining our visas but that they had not arrived yet . He looked down at the passports, he looked back at us, he looked down again at the paperwork... they shared a few words and finally he stamped Marcus paperwork, then Digrid's , then mine , and finally Drew's . Never before had I felt so much like a secret agent in my life. :) haha God yet again opened the door . He gave me the words to say, and He softened the hearts of these two government officials. GLORY TO GOD we made it back to Peru . "
Crystals traveling buddies to Chile
while waiting to re-enter Peru .
Crystal and Meg - Arica, Chile
I mean , don't try to tell me after soup and rice for
days that this wouldn't look like manna from HEAVEN!!!
I read that story of the law "forcing" Crystal and other students to leave Peru for a while , then see the pictures of her time in Chile and think only of Gods perfect timing and provision . Provision of funds , safety , friends , clearance back into Peru , rest and relaxation . While it may have been a inconvenience in "our" timing and plans it appears to have been a beautiful time of revitalization as well . Much need , I can only imagine . In continuing to read Crystals updates , look at her pictures and pray for her and the work she is doing I realize that there is so much that a blog post will simply never truly do it justice . However , I am giving it my best try here .
“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is.”
― John Piper - From one of Crystals' updates -
― John Piper - From one of Crystals' updates -
Here are some quick facts - Crystal is in good health . She had some small issues when she returned from the jungle, but nothing to be worried about and is better now . Her Spanish is getting better every day and I can tell it is becoming more natural to her by her messages and e-mails . They are starting to read like broken English :) WHICH IS GREAT !! Her family misses her a great deal . Apparently she was the noise maker in their home and things have gotten rather quiet . Imagine that ! LOL!! She is currently in a village in Pucallpa and as I mentioned before , teaching Bible stories as well as hygiene , and general life lessons (why we get jobs , working , etc. ) each day , building relationships and most importantly loving on these people who have been in the dark for so long . So many of Crystals' updates mention the darkness of the people . The love they have never known , how they are considered replaceable or dispensable , and how so many of the females (and probably males) have never heard a encouraging or kind word in their life . Crystals' heart is growing more and more in love with the people of Peru it would seem . I truly feel like God created her so very specifically and specially for this work . Her heart is so huge and loving towards everyone that I can't imagine someone walking away from her and not having felt cared for . I am asking the Lord to continue in keeping her well , giving her strength physically, mentally , spiritually and to strengthen her Spanish as she grows closer to the people . I have told her repeatedly how strong she is . I absolutely believe she is a super hero of sorts . In my eyes anyway . As Crystal works on her Spanish , prepares for another jungle trip , and the rest of her time in Peru here are a few of the more current and possibly realistic needs . In Crystal's words :-)
-Chocolate - She said this jokingly , but I see that as a REAL NEED !! So, on the list it goes .
- " hmmm need list would for sure be anything useful in a classroom...
- we do a lot of teaching and are always in need of markers, construction paper, crayons... anything literally. we want to take supplies to give to the tribes and communities. they literally have nothing and the closest store is about 5 days away
- along with beads and string. we use a lot for the little beads tiny for fishing line or honestly any size. don't have to be fancy. the girls sit with us for hours and listen to Bible stories as we made necklaces
-thank so so so much!!!! we are also collecting money for a boat and motor if anyone would like to send money if we got a boat of our own we would not have to rent one (way overpriced) and it will help our trip take 2 or 3 days instead of 5 or sometimes 6. (painful on the butt) "
Crystal has far better and more detailed updates on the people she has met , classes she has taken , run ins with government , new custom's and varied other things available via her e-mail update . If you are interested in donating items/funds please feel free to message me and I can get your info to Crystal or if you would like to get updates from Peru or and find out how you can donate/mail items from the needs list you can private message Crystal through this link to her Facebook page . You can also donate funds for Crystal or any other Pioneer missionary by going to the Pionerer Link Here .
While Crystal may be miles away these pictures assure me her beautiful, unique, spunky,
and loving spirit remains intact .
What in the world is that animal on your head DDP and can Jack have one ?!