Saturday, December 14, 2013

~ Possibilities ~

Isaiah 9:6 - For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Possibilities. In the Christmas season possibilities abound . Under the tree, in the store, on the calendar , and in our minds . The possibility that we've gotten what we asked for from Santa . The possibility we will gather with old friends or far off family to celebrate . The possibility that what was to be done in this year has been done and the thoughts of all that is possible in the New Year .

The last few weeks have been full of possibilities for me . Many things up in the air and even a few surprises that I can not begin to imagine what possibly may come from them . Possibility has almost become a very dreamy word in my current world . It lends itself to what may be , hope , dreams , surprises , and light !!! Am I the only one that when driving at night and seeing all the Christmas lights in towns and neighborhoods gets this inner joy simply because of the bright lights and colors ? They cause me to think that if this kind of beauty is possible, than what else is ?! Perhaps a insanely simple thought for an adult, but it is one of my thoughts none the less . I LOVE looking at Christmas lights !!! Here's a link to some local lights. This is just one side of that neighborhood. They go ALL out for Christmas lights, there's even music if you roll down your window as you drive through . It's kinda amazing ,  Jacksboro Christmas Lights . Perhaps you can understand why they make me so happy and hopeful .
The possibility of places to visit .

Today as I wrapped a few gifts and placed them under my tree I kind of feel back to my 5 year old self . Oh how I loved waking up Christmas morning to all those fun and beautifully wrapped gifts from Santa . My mom is a amazing gift wrapper so it was almost a shame to undo all that beautiful wrapping . It never crossed my mind as a child that my family probably wore themselves out getting me gifts and wrapping them so wonderfully . However , now as a adult shopping , making , baking and packaging my own gifts to give I realize what they probably went through to allow me that childish world of possibility . I look under my tree now and I know what is in the carefully wrapped packages and still I get excited over the possibility . I may should become more alarmed at the possibility people won't like their gifts than excited , but I digress .

This is about the only place I have to put a tree . So, it gets a bit abused by the curtains. I love my lil' tree with it's few gifts underneath it . This may be nerdy, but I also like to put the gifts I receive through out the season under my tree as well . A kind of reminder of how blessed I am to have the thoughtful friends/family that I have .  A friend mentioned that I should've saved them to open on Christmas morning, but I am just not that disciplined . I receive something fun in the mail and I barely make it inside the house before ripping the paper off of it . Eternal child, right here !

I pray that whatever the Christmas season means to you that there would be a place of hope, of possibility , to live along with the decorations , parties, and gifts . When I think about the reason for the season in my own heart I can't help but be overwhelmed by possibilities . How Mary possibly felt with the looming possibility she would give birth in a stable . What the wise men possibly felt as they trekked to meet a infant King . The possibility that turned into a promise fulfilled that One would be born, to die for us . Just so that we could live in a world full of possibilities .

Luke 2:11 - For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

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