Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Stupid Mouth..........

Dear Followers -

"My stupid mouth has got me in trouble. I said too much again.". These words are sung in a John Mayer song, but sometimes they should be my theme music. I somehow became the person that even strangers will talk to for no good reason. I also, somehow became the person who talks back. I find myself more often than not thinking to myself, "why the heck didn't I just keep my loud mouth shut?". In an effort to be helpful I fear I rarely am. Just today I found myself having what I thought was a private conversation. Turns out, it sure was public. I sent apologies as soon as I could and I only pray that no one's feelings got hurt. In a world where we can communicate at all hours of the day via skype, IM, texting, cell phones, fb, blogging and an endless list of other options it somehow seems we fail to truly communicate.

The Bible is sure to warn us on our tongue and the power it has. Psalm 34:13 states " Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.", Psalm 141:3 tells us, "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord, keep watch over the doors of my lips.", repetitiously we are told what a huge weapon our tongue is. I know that with today's lesson I am reminded how quickly I can stumble in this area. While I shoulder the blame in my lack of discipline over my tongue I also know that our enemy is tricky. He would like nothing more than to defeat me when I feel so strongly about God's purposing in my life. I keep replaying the verse found in John 10:10 " The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.....".

Keep your tongues as you do your hearts. With ALL diligence. (Proverbs 4:23)

- Keepin' it real <3

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