Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sometimes Things Change Over Night

In the struggles of life it's nice to know that things can change over night . I went to spend some time with my mom this weekend, some good ol' fashion girl time . When I returned home I was anxious to see how my plants with stood the Saturday storms . Much to my surprise they all fared well and even had new sprouts . My strawberry plant, which at the moment I am growing inside the house shot up at least two inches, OVER NIGHT!!!

3/13/12 - day they got planted


This little plant that started out with what looked like two twigs of mint only twelve days ago, has now sprouted up to about four inches tall and now proudly bears four or five twigs and some blossoms . Soon, I will need to re-pot it into a larger container and hopefully by June I'll have some actual strawberries . For me this was a sweet reminder that God has the power to change things over night . We never know what is at work beneath the surface and it's our job to continue watering, cultivating, and caring . Whether it is for ourselves, others or something else all together. Allowing Him to prune away the bad so that something beautiful can rise to the surface .
 There will be times that it seems He is taking forever to grow us .
But He can also bring beauty to the surface over night!

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