Monday, July 31, 2017

~ Insta Truth ~ July 31st, 2017 ~ God is With You ~


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~ Pinterest~

I do not know what season you are in your life, but for me it is a very complex time. One thing can't be done because of another thing and another thing needs to be done if I want to make progress, etc. It's all a vicious cycle and I, for the last few years have been doing my best to sort through it all. Both spiritually and physically. All that to say, I have needed A LOT of encouragement over these last few years and I am so grateful that the Lord has continued to send what I need, when I need it most. Whether it be words, like these pinterest pics, a text from a friend, or a piece of snail mail, He always seems to know exactly what I need.

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Currently I have so many stressful things whirling around in my mind and heart it is really rather overwhelming. And I know that allowing that anxiety, stress, and whirling is NOT how He would have me handle it all. I know that in His timing He will reveal, provide, etc. whatever it is that I need and my part is to just remain faithful in my relationship with Him. But sometimes that is just easier said than done, if I'm being honest.

So, I thought I would share a few of the things I've posted to my socials in the last week or so that have brought me some calm to this jangled mind of mine. I hope that they provide something for you that you might need too. I am grateful for those of you that follow and read on a regular basis and I pray often for you. Not by name, because I don't know all that, but I do pray for my followers and readers. That is the main reason I blog, the belief that it isn't all about me, but maybe something someone else needs as well.
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You are loved. You are prayed for. He is with you. He is for you.

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